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Why Tier-on-Tier Shutters Are So Ideal In Brighton

Tier on tier shutters bay window Brighton - blue windows of Greek Mediterranean building

There are many kinds of shutters in the market and these provide lots of choices for your windows. While personal taste may be a factor in your decision-making, the location of your property and the design of windows can be major factors that make particular designs and styles more appropriate than others.

A prime example is the use of tier-on-tier shutters, which are ideal for the sort of bay windows that are abundant in Brighton, especially in Regency homes.

There are three reasons for this. Firstly, Regency sash windows, being period properties and also homes owned by those with the means to cope with the ‘window tax’ levied in the Napoleonic Wars, are tall and designed to let a lot of natural light into the room, pre-dating as they did the invention of electric lighting.

That provides the opportunity for householders to add shutters that, on the one hand, allow lots of light in through the upper tier, especially in summer months when the sun is high and the light can be maximised.

A second factor is that while Brighton has some wonderful architecture, it is not nicknamed ‘London on Sea’ for nothing. Because the inner city has some very densely-populated areas reminiscent of those in the capital, those living in homes with big Regency windows will similarly be close to crowded streets.

For that reason, it is very convenient to have shutters that will allow in lots of light higher up, away from prying eyes, while staying closed at appropriate times lower down.

A third reason is that such shutters are elegant and stylish in a way that fits perfectly with Regency windows. Shutters can be designed to work with bay windows and the combination they create provides a great aesthetic.

Put together, these factors make tier-on-tier shutters a wonderful option for a classic Brighton home.

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