How To Choose The Right Window Shutters
Window shutters can be a timeless and sophisticated window treatment in the right setting. But there is much to consider, from the louvre size, the material they are made from, the opening and closing mechanisms, and the style.
If you’re looking to improve the kerb appeal of your home, then window shutters are a fantastic idea that will transform the look of your home from inside and out. We have a brief guide to help you choose and purchase the right shutters for you and your home.
Before you buy, you should think about how you will use the shutters before you commit to a design. Will you have them open all the time, or keep them close and adjust the louvres to control the light coming in? You may be best discussing your requirements with a supplier to get the best advice on fixings and features.
Which style of shutter is right for you?
Tier on tier
Tier-on-tier designs have two separate sections, one on top of the other. The tiers can be opened and closed separately. For example, the bottom can be closed for privacy with the tier above kept open for light and fresh air.
Full-height options are classic in design and are ideal for most windows, but are particularly suited for tall ones, in which case they usually have a central horizontal dividing rail for strength. The louvres above and below the rail can be adjusted separately. For large expanses of glazing or patio doors, a tracked system is recommended.
Cafe-style shutters are fitted at the bottom section of the window only. They suit rooms where there’s no need for complete privacy but may not be suitable for bedrooms or bathrooms as they don’t provide total blackout at night.
Visit our website today to see our range of cafe style shutters and many others.
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