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Where To Install Half Height Shutters

Half height shutter blinds - Half-open metal blinds

Because your windows represent such a significant part of any room at home, it’s essential that you take the time to decide upon the best way to dress them up. Without proper planning and forethought, you might end up making an expensive mistake!

Curtains and drapes have their place, of course, but you might find what you’re looking for in half height shutter blinds, a brilliantly versatile option that can be used to great effect throughout the house.

But where to put these shutters? Which rooms would they work well in?

When deciding on the best shutters for your home, it’s important to think about how you use the space. If you want to maintain a level of privacy but still allow lots of lovely natural light to flood the room, cafe-style shutters would be a great option to consider.

They look especially lovely in the kitchen, where you need natural light to help you cook but where you also want to keep the prying eyes of passersby at bay. In fact, any ground floor rooms that face the street would benefit from these types of shutters, including downstairs water closets, living rooms and dining rooms.

Shutters such as these give you the best of both worlds, with privacy provided at the lower half of the window, leaving the top half free and clear to bring in natural light. The added benefit is that because they’re half the height of regular shutters you can enjoy the look and feel of these window treatments while keeping costs down.

The resulting look with cafe shutters is very distinctive and unique, so if you’re keen for something a little different, they could well be the window dressing for you. If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with the Brighton Shutters team today.

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